With fri and pioneering power -
Tenant electricity out of the box

The popularity of environmentally friendly energy systems is continually increasing. This leads to a growing need for green electricity in residential complexes. Using solar energy increases interest in your property for potential tenants. An additional advantage – compared to the EEG tenant electricity model, there is no obligation for you to act as an additional electricity provider. You gain additional investment security by anchoring your solar power in the rental agreement. The increase in value of your property through photovoltaics is considerable, as the increase in value exceeds the original investment costs. When it comes to real estate valuation, it's not just reduced energy costs that are important, but also the income from the EEG remuneration and the provision of green electricity for tenants.

EEG tenant electricity initiatives can be associated with high administrative requirements, initial investments and ongoing costs. With PIONIERKRAFT you are completely flexible in terms of the number of participants and you can profitably share your green electricity from the first tenant onwards.

Whether it's photovoltaic systems, energy storage, heat generation or electromobility - we provide you with neutral, needs-based advice on the components and develop the ideal solar sharing concept for you and your tenants.

Your benefits

Profitable tenant flow
Innovative solution enables profitable
Tenant electricity projects from the very beginning
35% less feed into the public grid (8ct/kWh) instead
Sale to the tenant (30ct/kWh)
Payback period 7 years
46% reduction in electricity purchases from the public grid (45ct/kWh)
Significant advantages over conventional tenant electricity concepts:

Counting and monitoring solar power by PIONIERKRAFT
Electricity delivery can be linked to a rental agreement
Significantly lower initial and ongoing expenses and costs. Lower economic risk for the operator

Easy to implement
All-round worry-free package for owners and tenants

Better market position & property value
The supply of solar energy increases demand
for your property and also increases the property value.

Get your personal offer for your tenant electricity system now!


Roggentin near Rostock

level of self-sufficiency



7,56 kWp

Stove near Wismar

level of self-sufficiency



12,21 kWp

Dänschenburg near Rostock

level of self-sufficiency



9,00 kWp


level of self-sufficiency



6,66 kWp


level of self-sufficiency



5,55 kWp


level of self-sufficiency



28,12 kWp

Location Bielefeld

Herforder Strasse 69
33602 Bielefeld

Location Schwerin

At Margaretenhof 26
19057 Schwerin

Location Hamburg

Konrad-Zuse-Strasse 1A
18184 Roggentin

Location Rostock-Roggentin

Konrad-Zuse-Strasse 1A
18184 Roggentin

Holthusen near Schwerin

level of self-sufficiency



9,62 kWp