Frequently Asked Questions

Here you will find answers to frequently asked questions. If your question is still not answered, please contact us.

fri your mind

A photovoltaic system is worthwhile for you if you want to do something for the environment. Your electricity is much cheaper with your own solar system. And the more you consume yourself, the faster the purchase is worthwhile / profitable. With your own photovoltaic system, you are also more independent of your electricity provider, and depending on the type and size of your system, up to 95%!

Your roof area should be as shade-free as possible, i.e. never stand in the shade. The roof must be stable and free of asbestos. With all this, the type of roof surface is not decisive!

The required size depends on many factors:
  • Solar radiation and the location of the roof
  • Availability of the roof area
  • Orientation and slope of your roof surface
  • Type of use
  • degree of independence desired

Since the photovoltaic systems are weatherproof, they have a service life of around 25 - 30 years.

A photovoltaic system uses not only direct sunlight, but also so-called diffuse radiation that passes through the clouds. Almost 50% of the radiation in Germany is diffuse radiation.

At an angle of inclination of more than 20° from the horizontal, a self-cleaning effect is created by the rain. However, larger dirt such as leaves or branches must be removed manually.

We describe the degree of independence from your energy supplier as the degree of self-sufficiency. 

Without energy storage you can achieve up to 45% independence, with storage even up to 90%. 

EEG means “Renewable Energy Law”. The EEG levy, also known as the green electricity levy, refers to the payment for the electricity you feed into the grid. 

This additional payment has been omitted since July 01st, 2022 for solar systems below 30kWp. This makes self-sufficiency more attractive again.

Unfortunately, there is no general funding from the state or the country. However, there are state-dependent funding options. 

There is also the possibility of funding via KfW loans.

We do our work within a few days, mostly 2-3 days.

Get your personal offer for a photovoltaic system now!


Roggentin near Rostock

level of self-sufficiency



7,56 kWp

Stove near Wismar

level of self-sufficiency



12,21 kWp

Dänschenburg near Rostock

level of self-sufficiency



9,00 kWp


level of self-sufficiency



6,66 kWp


level of self-sufficiency



5,55 kWp


level of self-sufficiency



28,12 kWp

Location Bielefeld

Herforder Strasse 69
33602 Bielefeld

Location Schwerin

At Margaretenhof 26
19057 Schwerin

Location Hamburg

Konrad-Zuse-Strasse 1A
18184 Roggentin

Location Rostock-Roggentin

Konrad-Zuse-Strasse 1A
18184 Roggentin

Holthusen near Schwerin

level of self-sufficiency



9,62 kWp